This tag is intended to be used temporally to indicate the existence of the game for an specific region but with an unknown compatibility. Released for this region, but nobody tested it. It doesn't works or can't be completed due to some critical problems at some point that doesn't allow the game to continue.
It works exactly like when you play it on a real PS2 Console, the compatibility is as good as Ĭritical problems, doesn't boots, freezes or crashes after some gaming progress. Released for the PS3 at the PlayStation Store, the compatibility is certified by Sony. PS : If it doesn't work, try to not sign the counters at date: 2023 July 26
Inject the rif file to your PS3 either with the HEN exploit,either with this method :. Sign the rap file with rifgen so you could get a rif. Once you're done Make your PKG, sign it with PS3xploit Resigner and put the result on your FAT32 usb. Put whatever you want as TitleID, you can search your game's on Google. Double click "PS2 Classics" to put the name of your game. Right click the Image/Background if you want to edit it. Get your PKG and install it on your PS3. Copy the folder to Trueancestor PKG Repacker. Rename the "PS1 Classics PSN Work Folder" to your Game TitleID. Modify the ICON0.PNG and PIC.1PNG to your game's logo and background (if you want to) using photoshop//whatever. Get your EBOOT.PBP and put it to "PS1 Classics PSN Work Folder/USRDIR/CONTENT". Get your and put it to "PS1 Classics PSN Work Folder/USRDIR". Hold Shift and Right-Click somewhere in your folder, open CMD. DON'T Drag it on the rifgen_edatresign from ps3xploit resigner and DON'T resign it, it's an old step. Put your Main Title ID somewhere in a txt file, you will need it. Make sure your file1 Game ID fits your Main Game ID. If you have a multi-disc game make sure you choose your CD2 in the "file 2" section. Get your PSX game in a bin/iso/img format. If you already own a ready PSX2PSP game, go to step 11
You will need this tool for PSP conversion : > LINK > LINK > LINK:> LINK > LINK